Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A Little Hitch With the Trailer

More on the trailer.

It was kind of surprising to find out that a company in China manufactures the trailer kit I ordered from a company in Quakertown, Pa. From China it is shipped to California from whence it is forwarded to the closest company distribution point (in our case Dallas) and then on to another company for local delivery. And it all happens in about a week.
It should not be too surprising then that there are little glitches in the kit package. Like not enough bolts of one size and too many of another, and a couple of holes missing for the bolts to go through. I kind of expected that.
On the whole however everything had come together pretty well. No major problems until I started to mount the axle. It was too short and would not reach the matching alignment holes on the springs. I was also concerned that the wheel hubs were too close to the side of the trailer to provide clearance for the wheels.
I called the company and explained the problem. They must have experienced it before because there was no argument at all. They would have a new axle to me in a couple of days. I hope this one works. I also wonder what I'll do with the old one.


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